Tag Archives: scarves

The Agony of Scarves

21 Nov

I love scarves. Adore them. I usually hate knitting them though.

The first project I was given by my grandmother was a scarf. She bought me three skeins of Patons Shetlad Chunky Tweed in a beautiful red, gave me the appropriate needles, taught me how to do a knit stitch and sent me on my way. Two weeks of insane knitting adrenalin later I had a ridiculously long scarf that I lovingly gave to the fiance-then-boyfriend. He dutifully wore it for one winter and for the last couple the scarf has had a home on a hook behind his bathroom door [why the bathroom, I have no idea].

Since then I have barely knit any scarves. One sock-weight lace scarf which was the bane of my existence. One length-wise linen stitch sock-weight scarf that I loved but is really too short for my liking. A couple inifinity scarves, which really I don’t mind knitting that much.

I think my problem with scarves is how long they are and how long I like them to be. I always prefer a longer scarf to wrap around the neck a couple times. The scarf in my collection I get the most compliments on is this lovely fair-isle fringed 2 foot scarf that I love in the winter-time; the only thing is I didn’t knit it. Neither did my great-aunt who gave it to me, she bought it. Oh the shame! I dream of one day completing a scarf of epic proportions in beautiful colours. If only my patience would let me.

This Christmas I decided to ask the fiance if he wanted anything knitted and his answer was a new scarf, preferably shorter. I kind of hummed and hawed about it, wondering if heĀ really wanted a new scarf or if he was just giving me an answer. While shopping for yarn for other Christmas presents, I stopped at the Shetland Chunky Tweed. Truth be told, I’m a sucker for tweed. I grabbed two skeins for my grandfather’s slippers, hesitated, hummed and hawed some more, and grabbed two more for fiance’s scarf. What can I say? They were on sale.

Now I am just over a skein in on a fisherman’s rib scarf, which I believe is always a good option for scarves: squishy and warm. And I’m beginning to think scarves aren’t that bad to knit when they’re made in chunky yarn.

I’m still hoping for a final rush of adrenalin though.