Tag Archives: movies

Knitting and a Movie

18 Dec

I can never resist sock yarn on sale. So today I picked up some Patons Kroy Sock yarn in flax and summer moss jacquard originally to be a part of the hexipuff project, however, after noticing how wonderfully well they go together I decided to make a wee baby sweater instead and cast on a Little Baby Sweater from the Purl Bee. It’s a wonderful, quick knit inspired by the mighty Elizabeth Zimmerman and made supremely modern with its stripes. It’s always surprising what colour combinations can do.

I never actually used to like knitting baby things. I have no kids of my own and after watching my friend’s babies grow a lot more quickly than I can knit, I always figured what’s the point? The point, I soon learned, is that knits for babies are quick and absolutely adorable. They make you stop every so often just to coo over the little bundle that will soon be inhabiting the yarny softness soon [hopefully while they still fit].

And so to go along with this knitting project I decided to watch Rosemary’s BabyI hadn’t watched it since maybe high school and I can tell you, I never truly understood it.

The second time around, while it still didn’t become a favourite movie of mine, my attention was truly caught by Mia Farrow.

The only other movies I’ve really seen her in have been The Great Gatsby and Hannah and Her Sisters.  Both are awesome movies by the way; I highly recommend them.

In The Great Gatsby Mia plays Daisy, who is essentially an ethereal balloon in  woman form. She’s a great character, no doubt about it, but as Rosemary she becomes Daisy with real soul-filled flesh. Sure, she’s portrayed as a typical housewife as a profession type [why anyone would choose to be a housewife when you’re husband is a not-so-famous actor, I don’t know – this was my biggest conflict with the movie] but she still is able to show Rosemary as a strong woman character. The ending alone is enough to prove that [Nope, no spoilers here].

Also she is so very pretty and has a great maternity wardrobe. She makes me want to go out and get a pixie cut then apply a ton of mascara.

Thus I am nicknaming this baby sweater Rosemary’s baby sweater as I think even the child of Satan would totally wear it.

I also watched two James Stewart movies: Harvey and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. While I ache to discuss Jimmy’s brilliance, that will be saved for another blogging day.