Tag Archives: girls in glasses

A Complaint From the Girl in Glasses

16 Apr

One of the lines I always remember from How to Marry a Millionaire is Marilyn Monroe saying, “You know what they say about girls who wear glasses […] Men aren’t attentive to girls who wear glasses”

Which really, is untrue (um, hello, who would turn down Marilyn – glasses or no glasses) but is still detrimental to a teenage girl’s self esteem when it comes to the decision on getting contact lenses.

This is what happened to me in high school: I started wearing contact lenses and wore them right until my fourth year in university when my eyes mysteriously decided to develop slight allergies that irritated my poor eyeballs only when my lenses were in. It’s a cruel, cruel world. I loved those contacts. I loved the way I looked without glasses. I loved being able to do yoga without my glasses hanging upside down off my face. Glasses are truly a spoilsport when it comes to sports.

Anyways, I digress. Since getting engaged, I have had multiple people ask me whether or not I’m going to wear my contacts for the wedding. Some of those people have actually shown full-out disappointment when I’ve said no; which makes me wonder “do girls in glasses really not get any passes? Because I’m sure I wouldn’t be getting married in the first place if I looked like an ogre in glasses…”

Maybe it’s just the surprise at how many people have asked me that when I haven’t worn them in about 4 years now. Maybe it’s the fact that Kyleman thinks I look quite smexy in my glasses and the fact that anyone would seem to contradict him is appalling (who would dare to contradict the groom other than the bride!). Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve already told all these people repeatedly already why I don’t wear contacts and why would I want to make myself suffer like that on my wedding day?

Nobody has asked Kyle if he will be wearing his glasses during the wedding (and he has much better eyesight than I do. It makes me jealous sometimes). And I’m sure nobody really cares or will be distressed. So then I ponder : why is there such a stigma out there for girls in glasses? If our grandmothers could pull off the cats eye glasses and wedding dresses fabulously then why can’t we? I mean, I think I look pretty cute in my glasses.


Imagine that face behind a real veil!

Also if anyone if curious at my choice of hat, this was taken at my bridal shower and that was the typical “hat with all the gift bows” on it that is super popular at showers nowadays

Anyways, the point is: just because you wear glasses it should not automatically be assumed you will not get passes. Especially on your wedding day.