Tag Archives: Damned

Book and a Youtube Post

23 Mar

One of the things I love most is ordering from Amazon. Books are one of my weaknesses and every so often I find myself with enough book wantings to be able to get free shipping on Amazon. Go free shipping or go to Chapters.

This week I received three books that thoroughly thrilled me down to my bones:

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I’ve already finished Damned which I found was one of those books that you don’t particularly love in the beginning and wonder why exactly you’re reading it/why you bought it instead of getting it from the library….but by the end you think it was pretty decent and think that maybe next time you’ll get it a little bit more [hopefully]. I’m a big fan of Palahniuk, however I’ve found his last three novels haven’t lived up to my standards for him, which is always sad.

Born Weird was highly recommended to me by a visiting friend and once I read the inside cover knew I had to have it. Right now I’m about halfway done and I think by the end I’ll have some very profound feelings bubbling up. More to come when I finish it

I’m super excited to get to The Gun Seller [which I purposefully left until the end] which is by Hugh Laurie, or for those unlearned in classic British humour plays Dr. House [I prefer him pre-House]. He is utterly hilarious on A Bit of Fry and Laurie [something I encourage anyone and everyone to watch] and in the second Blackadder series [which again, is never a bad idea to watch]. Both my visiting friend and I stood in Chapters reading the first bit of it in stores and I knew I needed this book one way or another and that Laurie was going to be an amazing author. Sometimes I distrust when favourite comedians or actors try to write books, and expect the same hilarity you find on-screen and they go a different route on page. I’m finding this with Michael Palin’s The Truth right now, which I picked up mostly because he is my favourite Python; although to be fair, I’m only a couple chapters in and then got distracted by my new hoard of books.

On an end note, here is a youtube video of the most delightful modern version of Pride and Prejudice which is called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. It’s incredibly funny and awesome. I’m on episode 7 thus far but apparently there are at least 76…..