Tag Archives: craft

A New Hope

16 Nov

Yes, I stole the title from Star Wars. Can you blame me? [Who doesn’t love Star Wars? Don’t answer that.]

This is my new blog to try and start up my new fretwork business, after much coercion from the future hubby and step-dad to move my love of fibre and craft past my own leisure time and into something that could potentially be my dream. Is it? We’ll see. 

And what is fretwork, you might be asking? Fretwork is a term I learned in my contemporary art class to describe what is considered traditional women’s work and can be calming to the nerves: knitting, sewing, crocheting, quilting, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Anybody who does any of those talents though will be quick to assure you that while overall they are thoroughly relaxing, at moments it can become a literal meaning of “fret” and “work”.

Apparently also fretwork is a type of woodworking. But I digress.

While I do hope this blog could be a lovely start to a lovely business, I also hope to keep it as a visual diary of things created, patterns devised, problems averted and possibly my attempts at quilting…if I ever dare try to quilt. 

